Best Free Books on Norse Mythology and Runes Pdf Download

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The Poetic Edda

Translated past Henry Adams Bellows
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The Norse mythology books listed beneath are costless to read online or download as eBooks. Some editions are out of print or were published before 1923 (and therefore in the public domain). Others have been posted online by academic institutions, authors, publishers or scholarly societies.

The age of some of these works ways that they feature dated translations and scholarship. This collection is non meant to supplant study of the most contempo work in the field of Norse mythology and religion, but to provide a resource for students and those without access to academic libraries.

If y'all hold the copyright to i of these books and would like to remove information technology from this list, delight contact The Norse Mythology Blog via this link.


Library Index

Ancient Sources

Medieval Sources

Sagas and Þættir

Retellings and Reinterpretations

Scholarly Works – 19th Century | 20th Century | 21st Century

Dictionaries, Linguistic communication, and Reference


Aboriginal Sources

Agricola and Germania past Tacitus
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Annals and History by Tacitus
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Commentaries on the Gallic War past Julius Cæsar
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Geographica by Strabo
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The Gothic History by Jordanes
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History of the Wars: The Gothic War past Procopius
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Medieval Sources

Ælfric's Life of St. Edmund translated by Karl Due east. H. Seigfried
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Ágrip af Nóregskonungasögum: A Twelfth-Century Synoptic History of the Kings of Norway translated past M.J. Driscoll
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Ancient History of the Norwegian Kings by Theodoricus Monachus
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Anglo-Saxon and Norse Poems translated by Nora Kershaw
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The Battle of Maldon translated by Karl East. H. Seigfried
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Beowulf translated by R.K. Gordon
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Carolingian Chronicles: "Regal Frankish Annals" and Nithard'due south Histories"
translated by Bernhard Walter Scholz and Barbara Rogers
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Corpus Poeticum Boreale: The Poesy of the Old Northern Natural language
translated by Guðbrandur Vigfússon and F. York Powell
Volume 1: Eddic Poesy | Read online | Download eBook
Volume two: Court Poetry | Read online | Download eBook

Dialogue of Solomon and Saturn translated by John Yard. Kemble
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The Early South-English Legendary edited by Carl Horstmann
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Ecclesiastical History of England by the Venerable Bede
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Edda past Snorri Sturluson, translated by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur
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Edda by Snorri Sturluson, translated by Anthony Faulkes
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Eddica Minora edited by Andreas Heusler and Wilhelm Ranisch
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Grottasöngr translated by Clive Tolley
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Gudrun translated by George P. Upton
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Gudrun translated past Mary Pickering Nichols
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Guta Lag: The Law of the Gotlanders translated past Christine Peel
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A History of Norway and the Passion and Miracles of the Blessed Ólafr
translated by Devra Kunin
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History of the Archbishops of Hamburg-Bremen (extract) by Adam of Bremen
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History of the Danes, Books I-Ix by Saxo Grammaticus
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Book 2 | Read online | Download eBook

History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours
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History of the Langobards by Paul the Deacon
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Hrafnagaldur Óðins (Odin's Raven Magic) translated by Annette Lassen
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Illustrations of Northern Antiquities edited by Henry Weber et al.
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Landnámabók (Book of the Settlement of Iceland) translated past Thomas Ellwood
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Die Lieder der Edda von den Nibelungen translated by Ludwig Ettmüller
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Das Lied vom Hürnen Seyfried
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Life of Saint Columban past the Monk Jonas
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Muspilli translated by Scott Mellor
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The Nibelungenlied translated past Daniel Bussier Shumway
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The Oldest English language Epic: Beowulf, Finnsburg, Waldere, Deor, Widsith and the German Hildebrand
translated by Francis B. Gummere
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Origin of the Lombard People
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The Poetic Edda translated by Henry Adams Bellows
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The Poetic Edda translated by Benjamin Thorpe
Edda translated by I.A. Blackwell
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The Poetic Edda: Mythological Poems translated by Olive Bray
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Runic and Heroic Poems of the Old Teutonic Peoples translated by Bruce Dickins
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The Russiyah past Ibn Fadlan
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Sermo Lupi ad Anglos by Wulfstan Ii
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Six Old English Chronicles translated by J.A. Giles
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The Wanderer translated past Karl Eastward. H. Seigfried
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The Works of Sven Aggesen, Twelfth-Century Danish Historian
translated by Eric Christiansen
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Sagas and Þættir

Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson,
translated by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes
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Volume 2 | Download eBook
Volume iii | Download eBook

Heimskringla (excerpt) by Snorri Sturluson, translated by Lee Thou. Hollander
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Heimskringla past Snorri Sturluson, translated by Samuel Laing
Book ane | Read online | Download eBook
Volume ii | Read online | Download eBook
Volume 3 | Read online | Download eBook

Íslendingabók and Kristni Saga: Book of the Icelanders and Saga of the Conversion
translated past Siân Grønlie
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Rauðúlfs Þáttr translated by Anthony Faulkes
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Saga of Burnt Njál translated by George Webbe Dasent
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Saga of Egill Skallagrímsson translated by W.C. Green
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Saga of Erik the Red translated by John Sephton
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Saga of Gísli Súrsson translated past George Webbe Dasent
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Saga of the Gotlanders translated by Christine Peel
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Saga of Grettir the Strong translated by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris
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Saga of Gunnlaug Snake-Tongue translated by P.G. Foote
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Saga of Hrólf Kraki translated past Peter Tunstall
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Saga of the Jomsvikings translated by N.F. Blake
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Saga of Male monarch Heidrek the Wise translated past Christopher Tolkien
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Saga of Kormák translated past West.One thousand. Collingwood and Jón Stefánsson
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Saga of Ragnar Lodbrok translated by Chris Van Dyke
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Saga of Thidrek of Bern translated into German past Fine Erichsen
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Saga of Thorstein, Viking'south Son
Saga of Fridthjof the Assuming
translated by Rasmus B. Anderson in Viking Tales of the North
also includes Fridthjof's Saga past Esaias Tegnér
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Saga of the Volsungs translated by R.Chiliad. Finch
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Saga of the Volsungs translated by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris
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Stories and Ballads of the Far Past: Icelandic and Faeroese translated by Nora Kershaw
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Two Icelandic Stories: Hreiðars Þáttr and Orms Þáttr translated by Anthony Faulkes
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Retellings and Reinterpretations

Historic period of Fable: Beauties of Mythology by Thomas Bullfinch
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The Children of Odin by Padraic Colum, with illustrations past Willy Pogany
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Grimms' Complete Fairy Tales by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
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Der Held des Nordens by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué
Includes Sigurd, der Schlangentödter, Sigurds Rache & Aslauga
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Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas by H.A. Guerber
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Die Nibelungen past Friedrich Hebbel
Includes Der gehörnte Siegfried, Siegfrieds Tod, and Kriemhilds Rache
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Norse Tales Retold for Lilliputian Children and Others Who Care to Read Them
by Ritza Freeman and Ruth Davis
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The Perfect Wagnerite: A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring by Bernard Shaw
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Poetiske Skrifter, Part ii by N.F.Southward. Grundtvig
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The Ring of the Nibelung by Richard Wagner, with illustrations past Arthur Rackham
Volume 1: The Rhinegold and The Valkyrie | Read online | Download eBook
Book ii: Siegfried and The Twilight of the Gods | Read online | Download eBook

The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs by William Morris
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Tales of a Wayside Inn by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Includes The Saga of Rex Olaf (with "The Claiming of Thor")
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A Tale of the House of the Wolfings and All the Kindreds of the Mark by William Morris
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Teutonic Myth and Legend by Donald A. Mackenzie
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Walhall: Dice Götterwelt der Germanen (illustrations only)
by Wilhelm Ranisch, with illustrations by Emil Doepler
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Scholarly Works – 19th Century

Birds of Omen in Shetland by Jesse M.Due east. Saxby
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Catalogue of the Manks Crosses with Runic Inscriptions by P.Yard.C. Kermode
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Clan Traditions and Pop Tales of the Western Highlands and Islands
by John Gregorson Campbell
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A Collection of Richard Wagner Prose Works past Richard Wagner
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The Cult of Othin: An Essay in the Ancient Organized religion of the North by H.M. Chadwick
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Die Deutsche Heldensage past Wilhelm Grimm
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Discourses Delivered before the Asiatic Society by William Jones
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The English and Scottish Popular Ballads edited by Francis James Child
Volume i | Read online | Download eBook
Volume 2 | Read online | Download eBook
Volume iii | Read online | Download eBook
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Frg from the Earliest Period by Wolfgang Menzel
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A Handbook of Norse Mythology past Karl Mortensen
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Handbook of the Erstwhile-Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England
past George Stephens
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Handbuch der Deutschen Mythologie by Karl Simrock
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Icelandic Legends by Jón Árnason
translated past George East.J. Powell and Eiríkr Magnússon
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Die Kenningar in der Angelsächsischen Literatur by Wilhelm Bode
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Mesehowe: Illustrations of the Runic Literature of Scandinavia past J.M. Mitchell
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The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border by Sir Walter Scott
Volume 1 | Read online | Download eBook
Book 2 | Read online | Download eBook
Volume three | Read online | Download eBook
Volume four | Read online | Download eBook

Der Mythus von Thor past Ludwig Uhland
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Notice of Runic Inscriptions Discovered During Recent Excavations in the Orkneys
by James Farrer
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On a Runic Calendar Establish in Lapland in 1866 by Eiríkr Magnússon
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Pop Rhymes of Scotland past Robert Chambers
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Popular Tales from the Norse by George Webbe Dasent
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Remains of Heathen Saxondom by John Yonge Ackerman
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Ruins of the Saga Time by Thorsteinn Erlingsson
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The Runes, Whence Came They past George Stephens
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The Runic Hall in the Danish Old-Northern Museum by George Stephens
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Scotland in Infidel Times past Joseph Anderson
Volume i: The Fe Age | Read online | Download eBook
Volume 2: The Bronze and Rock Ages | Read online | Download eBook

Some Runic Stones in Northern Sweden by Carl Säve and George Stephens
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Teutonic Mythology by Jacob Grimm
Book one | Read online | Download eBook
Volume ii | Read online | Download eBook
Volume iii | Read online | Download eBook
Book iv | Read online | Download eBook

Thunor the Thunderer: Carved on a Scandinavian Font of About the Year thou
by George Stephens
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Untersuchung über die Zeitrechnung der Alten Germanen past Gustav Bilfinger
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Wald- und Feldkulte by Wilhelm Mannhardt
Book i | Read online | Download eBook
Volume 2 | Read online | Download eBook


Scholarly Works – 20th Century

An Annex to "10 Scandinavian and North English Etymologies" (Edda and glide/gleiten) by Anatoly Liberman
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Altnordische Heilkunde by Fredrik Grön
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The Anglo-Saxon Runic Casket (The Franks Casket): 5 Phototyped Plates
by Wilhelm Viëtor
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Beliefs and Superstitions of the Pennsylvania Germans by Edwin Miller Fogel
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Beowulf, Swedes and Geats past R.T. Farrell
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Blåkulla and Its Antecedents: Transvection and Conventicles in Nordic Witchcraft
past Stephen Mitchell
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Bloodfeud and Scandinavian Mythology by John Lindow
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The Brown Fairy Book edited past Andrew Lang
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Chess in Republic of iceland and in Icelandic Literature, with Historical Notes on Other Table-Games past Willard Fiske
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Limerick Manual Performance: The First Ten lausavísur in Kormáks saga
by Russell Poole
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The Conversion of Iceland by Dag Strömbäck
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Cultural Paternity in the Flateyjarbók Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar by Elizabeth Ashman Rowe
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The Civilisation of the Teutons, Book 1 and two by Vilhelm Grønbech
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Dating the Icelandic Sagas: An Essay in Method by Einar Ólafur Sveinsson
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Descent from the Gods by Anthony Faulkes
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Disfigurement, Disability, and Dis-integration in Sturlunga Saga past Lois Bragg
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Edda past Anthony Faulkes
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Eddic Listing Techniques and the Coherence of "Rúnatal" by Elizabeth Jackson
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Eddu List: The Emergence of Skaldic Educational activity in Medieval Iceland by Judy Quinn
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Essays on Questions Continued with the Old English Poem Beowulf by Knut Stjerna
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The Folk-Stories of Iceland by Einar Ólafur Sveinsson
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Fooling Gylfi: Who Tricks Who? past Rory McTurk
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För Skírnis: Brautwerbungsfahrt eines Werbungshelfers by Heinz Klingenberg
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From Republic of iceland to Norway: Essential Rites of Passage for an Early on Icelandic Skald
by Margaret Clunies Ross
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Zur Genealogie der Þula past Elena A. Gurevič
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The Genealogies and Regnal Lists in a Manuscript in Resen's Library
past Anthony Faulkes
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Germanische Mythologie by Eugen Mogk
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Gods of the Ancient Northmen by Georges Dumézil
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The Golden Bough by James George Frazer
Volume 1 (includes "The Myth of Balder") | Read online | Download eBook
Volume 2 (includes "Balder and the Mistletoe") | Read online | Download eBook

Haraldr the Hard-Ruler and His Poets by Gabriel Turville-Petre
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The Heroic Legends of Kingdom of denmark by Axel Olrik
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The Heroic Saga-Cycle of Dietrich of Bern by F.E. Sandbach
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Illustrated Notes on Manks Antiquities by P.M.C. Kermode and W.A. Herdman
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Ingimundr prestr Þorgeirsson and IcelandicRunic Literacy in the Twelfth Century
past January Ragnar Hagland
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Irish Perspectives on Heimdallr by William Sayers
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The Narrative of Social Club in Sturla Þórðarson'southward Íslendinga Saga past Richard Gaskins
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In Northern Mists: Arctic Exploration in Early Times by Fridtjof Nansen
Volume 1 | Read online | Download eBook
Volume two | Read online | Download eBook

Die Jüngere und die Altere Þóra: Form und Bedeutung einer Episode in Haukdoela Þáttr
past Anne Heinrichs
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Dice Kenningar der Skalden by Rudolf Meissner
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Laxdoela saga und Færeyinga saga past Rolf Heller
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Der Liebeskranke Freyr, Euhemeristisch Entmythisiert past Anne Heinrichs
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"What Does Adult female Want?": Mær und munr in Skírnismál past Carolyne Larrington
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"A Nearly Vile People": Early English language Historians on the Vikings past R.I. Page
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Níð, Ergi and Old Norse Moral Attitudes by Folke Ström
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Nine Norse Studies past Gabrielle Turville-Petre
Includes "The Cult of Óðinn in Iceland," "Thurstable," and "Dreams in Icelandic Tradition"
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The Norse Muse: Written report from an International Research Project
past Margaret Clunies Ross & Lars Lönnroth
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Odins Wanderzug nach Schweden: Altisländische Gelehrte Urgeschichte und Mittelalterliche Geographie by Heinz Klingenberg
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Odin und die Seinen: Altisländischer Gelehrter Urgeschichte Anderer Teil
by Heinz Klingenberg
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"Ok er þetta upphaf" — First-Stanza Quotation in Former Norse Prosimetrum by Judy Quinn
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"Ok verðr henni ljóð á munni" — Eddic Prophecy in the fornaldarsögur by Judy Quinn
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Pagan Sympathy: Attitudes to Heathendom in the Prologue to Snorra Edda
past Anthony Faulkes
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The Poet and the Spae-Married woman: An Attempt to Reconstruct Al-Ghazal's Embassy to the Vikings
by W.E.D. Allen
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Poetical Inspiration in Old Norse and Old English Poesy past Anthony Faulkes
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The Poetic Edda in Light of Archaeology by Birger Nerman
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Religion of the Teutons by P.D. Chantepie de la Saussaye
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The Part of Sexual Themes in Njál'due south Saga by Ursula Dronke
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Saga-Book of the Viking Society
Volume 24 | Download eBook
Includes "The Germanic Thunderweapon" by Lotte Motz

Saga Dialogue and Brynhildr'south Mousetrap by Fredrik J. Heinemann
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"Scáro á scíði ørlog seggia": The Composition of Völospá xx and the Implications of the Hauksbók Variant by Elizabeth Jackson
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Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales edited by George Douglas
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The Search for Identity: A Problem after the Conversion by Anne Heinrichs
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Sidelights on Teutonic History during the Migration Flow by Mary Gavin Clarke
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Sigurd — Ein Held des Mittelalters: Eine Textimmanente Interpretation der Jungsigurddichtung by Edgar Haimerl
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Silesian Folk Tales (The Volume of Rübezahl) by James Lee and James T. Carey
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The Sources of Skáldskaparmál: Snorri'due south Intellectual Background past Anthony Faulkes
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Die Spitzenstellung des Geirmundar Þáttr Heljarskinnsinnerhalb der Kompilation Sturlunga Saga by Thomas Krömmelbein
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A Study of the Old Norse Word "Regin" by Albert Morey Sturtevant
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Superstitions of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland by John Gregorson Campbell
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Swedish Vikings in England: The Evidence of the Rune Stones by Sven B.F. Jansson
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10 Scandinavian and Northward English language Etymologies past Anatoly Liberman
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Thor'south Duel with Hrungnir by John Lindow
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The Thunderweapon in Religion and Folklore past Christopher Blinkenberg
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Traces of the Norse Mythology in the Isle of mann by P.M.C. Kermode
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Trór Þórr (Thor) wie Trōs Aeneas: Snorra Edda Prolog, Vergil-Rezeption und Altisländische Gelehrte Urgeschichte past Heinz Klingenberg
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The Viking Age in the Isle of Man edited by Christine Fell et al.
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Viking Revaluations edited by Anthony Faulkes and Richard Perkins
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The Vikings and Their Victims: The Verdict of the Names past Gillian Fellows-Jensen
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The Vikings in Brittany by Neil S. Price
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The Vikings in Wales by Harry Loyn
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What Was Viking Poetry For? past Anthony Faulkes
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Scholarly Works – 21st Century

Clerics as Collectors of Folklore in Iceland by Terry Gunnell
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Domestic Politics in Northern Republic of ireland [from The Partisan Muse in the Early Icelandic Sagas (1200-1250)]
by Theodore K. Andersson
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Eddic Poesy as Oral Poetry: The Evidence of Parallel Passages in the Helgi Poems for Questions of Composition and Performance
by Joseph Harris
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Egils Saga, Heimskringla and the Daughter of Eiríkr Blóðøx by Margaret Cormack
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The Enigma of Egill: The Saga, the Viking Poet, and Snorri Sturluson (Chapters v-7)
by Torfi H. Tulinius
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Frau Holle: In the Märchen and Beyond by Kerby Lynn Boschee
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From Godan to Wotan: An Exam of Two Langobardic Mythological Texts
by John Stanley Martin
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Gender and Genre: Short and Long Forms in the Saga Literature past Joseph Harris
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The Germanic Heldenlied and the Poetic Edda: Speculations on Preliterary History
by Edward R. Haymes
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A Historical Mirage: Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar [from The Sagas of Norwegian Kings (1130-1265)]
by Theodore M. Andersson
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The Historical Worth of Rígsþula by Frederic Amory
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Hof, Halls, Goðar and Dwarves: An Examination of the Ritual Space in the Pagan Icelandic Hall
by Terry Gunnell
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How Uniform Was the Former Norse Religion? by Stefan Brink
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The Icelandic Althing: Dawn of Parliamentary Democracy past Jesse Byock
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The Icelandic Calendar by Svante Janson
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A Knight at the Opera: Heine, Wagner, Herzl, Peretz and the Legacy of Der Tannhäuser
by Leah Garrett
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A Landscape of Conflict: Three Stories of the Faroe Conversions
by Sarah Harlan-Haughey
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Lord and Lady – Bryti and Deigja: Family, Patronage and Slavery past Stefan Brink
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Love and Death in the Männerbund: An Essay with Special Reference to the Bjarkamál and The Battle of Maldon
by Joseph Harris
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Making History: Essays on the Fornaldarsögur
edited by Martin Arnold and Alison Finlay
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The Meaning of Elf and Elves in Medieval England by Alaric Hall
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Monstrous Allegations: An Exchange of Ýki in Bjarnar Saga Hítdælakappa
by Alison Finlay
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Myth, Psychology and Lodge in Grettis Saga past Russell Poole
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The Nature of Mythic Time by John Lindow
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Not-Bones Color Terms in Old Norse-Icelandic by Kirsten Wolf
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Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Short Introduction by Heather O'Donoghue
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Former Norse Made New: Essays on the Post-Medieval Reception of Old Norse Literature and Culture
edited by David Clark and Carl Phelstead
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Onetime Norse Myths, Literature and Society
edited by Geraldine Barnes and Margaret Clunies Ross
Includes articles by Mindy MacLeod, Bernard Mees, Rudolf Simek, Diana Whaley, etc.
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Old Norse Religion in Long-Term Perspectives (excerpt) edited by Anders Andrén et al.
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One time More on the Mistletoe by Merrill Kaplan
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The Pagan Annal: Cultural Memory and Heritage in Medieval Republic of iceland by Carl Olsen
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Performing Gender in the Icelandic Ballads past Paul Acker
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Reader and Educator Guide for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
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Retrospective Methods Network Newsletter (December 2010)
edited by Helen F. Leslie et al.
Includes "The Vanir: An Obituary" by Rudolf Simek
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Riding to the Afterlife: The Role of Horses in Early Medieval N-Western Europe
by Thomas Rowsell
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The Rök Inscription by Joseph Harris
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Romancing the Rune: Aspects of Literacy in Early on Scandinavian Orality
by Joseph Harris
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Saga as Historical Novel by Joseph Harris
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Skaldic Versifying and Social Discrimination in Medieval Republic of iceland by Guðrún Nordal
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Some Controversial Aspects of the Myth of Baldr past Anatoly Liberman
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Stranded in Miðgarðr: Draugar Sociology in Old Norse Sources by Fernando Guerrero
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The Swedish-American Historical Quarterly (Jan 2012)
Includes "The Kensington Runestone: Fact and Fiction" by Henrik Williams
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The Swine in Old Nordic Religion and Worldview by Lenka Kovárová
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Thor's hammer in Kingdom of norway: A Symbol of Reaction Against the Christian Cross?
past Sæbjørg Walaker Nordeide
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Thor's Visit to Útgarðaloki by John Lindow
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Thor the Wind-Raiser and the Eyrarland Paradigm by Richard Perkins
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Uses of Wodan: The Development of His Cult and of Medieval Literary Responses to It
by Philip Andrew Shaw
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Völuspá and the Feast of Easter by John McKinnell
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Wagner and the Volsungs: Icelandic Sources of Der Ring des Nibelungen
by Árni Björnsson
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The War of the Æsir and the Vanir: A Note on Sources by Kees Samplonius
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The Werewolf in Medieval Icelandic Literature past Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir
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Dictionaries, Language, and Reference

Altnordisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch by January de Vries
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Altfriesisches Lesebuch mit Grammatik und Glossar past Wilhelm Heuser
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Altisländische und altnorwegische Grammatik by Adolf Noreen
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Altsächsiche Grammatik by Johan Hendrik Galée
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Altschwedische Grammatik by Adolf Noreen
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An Anglo-Saxon Reader by James W. Bright
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Beolingus German language-English Dictionary
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Bosworth-Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary
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A Comparative Glossary of the Gothic Linguistic communication past G.H. Balg
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A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary for the Use of Students by John R. Clark Hall
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A Concise Dictionary of One-time Icelandic by Geir T. Zoëga
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Deutsches Wörterbuch by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
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Lexicon of the Scots Language
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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language by Friedrich Kluge
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Gothic Grammar, with Selections for Reading and a Glossary by Wilhelm Braune
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Grammar of the Gothic Linguistic communication past Joseph Wright
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An Icelandic-English language Dictionary by Richard Cleasby and Gudbrand Vigfusson
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Icelandic Online Dictionary
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An Icelandic Primer, with Grammer, Notes, and Glossary by Henry Sweet
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Indo-European Dictionary
adapted from Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch by Julius Pokorny
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An Introduction to Quondam Norse (readings only) past Eastward.V. Gordon and A.R. Taylor
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A Dictionary of Medieval Nordic Law
by J.South. Love, Inger Larsson, Ulrika Djärv, Christine Peel, and Erik Simensen
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A Center Loftier German Primer by Joseph Wright
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Multilingual Folk Tale Database
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A New Introduction to Old Norse past Michael Barnes and Anthony Faulkes
The Written report of Former Icelandic: An Introduction to the Sources | Read online
Part I: Grammer | Download eBook
Role II: Reader | Download eBook
Facsimiles | Download eBook
Role Three: Glossary and Alphabetize of Names | Download eBook

An Old High German Primer by Joseph Wright
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Old Norse Base of operations Grade Dictionary by Jonathan Slocum and Todd B. Krause
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Old Norse for Beginners by Haukur Þorgeirsson and Óskar Guðlaugsson
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Old Norse Online past Todd B. Krause and Jonathan Slocum
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Online Etymology Dictionary by Douglas Harper
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Search Three Former Norse Dictionaries Simultaneously

(Fritzner, Cleasby/Vigfusson, Zoëga)
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The Student'south Dictionary of Anglo-Saxon by Henry Sweet
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Ulfilas, oder die uns erhaltenen Denkmäler der gotischen Sprache
by Friedrich Ludwig Stamm, Moritz Heyne, and Ferdinand Wrede
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Wörterbuch der Indogermanischen Sprachen: Dritter Teil: Wortschatz der Germanischen Spracheinheit
by August Fick, Hjalmar Falk, and Alf Torp
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